City Market/Kroger Community Rewards
Sign-Up Guide
SCAAS has enrolled in the King Soopers/City Market Community Rewards program. Every time you shop at a King Soopers or City Market in Colorado with your loyalty card a donation will be made to SCAAS. You will need to enroll your loyalty card to support SCAAS using your online account. Use the steps below to enroll your loyalty card today!
Outside Colorado Shoppers
11. Under Find an Organization type our organization code - JR861 or search for Society for Cultural Astronomy in the American Southwest.
12. Click the Enroll button and you are done!
13. Make sure to use your enrolled loyalty card every time you shop at a Kroger Family of Companies location.
14. After selecting our organization, repeat steps 3-5 using your own zip code to return to your own location.
Inside Colorado Shoppers
1. Use these links to log into your online account. If you do not have an online account you can use these links to register and then link or get a loyalty card.
1. For King Soopers Stores - go to
2. For City Market Stores - go to
2. Once logged in simply type Community Rewards in the products search bar near the top of the page, press enter.
3. Use the dialog boxes to log into your online account again.
4. Under Find an Organization type our organization code - JR861 or search for Society for Cultural Astronomy in the American Southwest.
5. Click the Enroll button and you are done!
6. Make sure to use your enrolled loyalty card every time you shop at King Soopers or City Market.
Every time you shop a portion of your purchase amount will be credited to SCAAS. It costs you nothing extra except for your time to enroll, and for that we thank you.
Best Regards,
Greg Munson
SCAAS Board of Directors